

KRAS Exon 2 Primer Set

KRAS (Kirsten rat sarcoma-2 viral (v-Ki-ras2) oncogene homolog) encodes a small GTPase protein that functions downstream of EGFR-induced cell signaling and participates in the activation of important oncogenic signaling pathways. Anti-EGFR antibodies will not be effective in patients with metastatic CRC (mCRC) with a KRAS mutation. If a KRAS mutation in codon 12 or 13 is detected, patients with mCRC should not receive anti-EGFR antibody therapy as part of their treatment. KRAS mutation status has emerged as an important predictive marker for anti-EGFR therapy in patients with mCRC. KRAS exon 2 primer set have the function to enrich mutation type of KRAS gene and allows to detect target codons G12 and G13 on DNA samples.


Product Specification

  • Gene Name

    KRAS v-Ki-ras2 Kirsten rat sarcoma viral oncogene homolog

  • Catalog

    20 tests: KRAS-121-0020
    50 tests: KRAS-121-0050

  • Official Symbol


  • Alternative Name

    KRAS; v-Ki-ras2 Kirsten rat sarcoma viral oncogene homolog; KRAS2, v Ki ras2 Kirsten rat sarcoma 2 viral oncogene homolog; GTPase KRas; KRAS1; K-Ras 2; c-Ki-ras; oncogene KRAS2; K-ras p21 protein; c-Kirsten-ras protein; PR310 c-K-ras oncogene

  • GeneID


  • Uniprot ID


  • Target Codon

    G12 / G13

  • Gene Range

    3~23 aa

  • Purity Detail

    Purified by High-performance liquid chromatography

  • Recommend PCR Condition

    95°C, 10mins;
    94°C, 1mins–>65°C, 3mins–>57°C, 1mins–>72°C, 1mins (x45 cycles);
    72°C, 10mins;
    10°C, ∞

  • Shipping Condition


  • Long Term Storage

    Stable for up to one year when store at -20°C. Avoid freeze/thaw cycles.

  • Data


  • Datasheet

    KRAS Exon 2 Primer Set datasheet

  • Order Now


Other Product Of KRAS


  1. KIT

    KIT Mutation Screen KitKIT Exon 11 Primer Set (A)KIT Exon 11 Primer Set (B)KIT Exon 13 Primer Set

  2. MPL

    MPL Exon 10 Primer Set

  3. COL1A1

    COL1A1 Dual Color Break Apart FISH ProbeCOL1A1/PDGFB Dual Color Dual Fusion FISH Probe

  4. KRAS

    KRAS Mutation Screen KitKRAS Exon 2 Primer SetKRAS Exon 3 Primer SetKRAS Exon 4 Primer Set (A)KRAS Exon 4 Primer Set (B)

  5. MDM2

    MDM2/CEN 12 Dual Color FISH Probe

  6. PDGFB

    PDGFB Dual Color Break Apart FISH ProbeCOL1A1/PDGFB Dual Color Dual Fusion FISH Probe

  7. NRAS

    NRAS Mutation Screen KitNRAS Exon 2 Primer SetNRAS Exon 3 Primer SetNRAS Exon 4 Primer Set (A)NRAS Exon 4 Primer Set (B)

  8. CDKN2A

    CDKN2A/CEN 9 Dual Color FISH Probe

  9. FGFR2

    FGFR2/CEN 10 Dual Color FISH Probe

  10. PIK3CA

    PIK3CA/CEN 3 Dual Color FISH ProbePIK3CA Mutation Screen KitPIK3CA Exon 9 Primer SetPIK3CA Exon 20 Primer Set

  11. CCND1

    CCND1/IGH Dual Color Dual Fusion FISH ProbeCCND1 Dual Color Break Apart FISH ProbeCCND1/CEN 11 Dual Color FISH Probe

  12. ALK

    ALK Dual Color Break Apart FISH Probe

  13. TP53

    TP53/CEN 17 Dual Color FISH ProbeTP53 Mutation Screen KitTP53 Exon 8 Primer Set

  14. FGFR1

    FGFR1/CEN 8 Dual Color FISH Probe

  15. FUS

    FUS Dual Color Break Apart FISH Probe

  16. ASXL1

    ASXL1 Mutation Screen KitASXL1 Primer Set

  17. 1p36

    1p36/1q25 Dual Color FISH Probe

  18. FOXO1

    FOXO1 Dual Color Break Apart FISH Probe

  19. DNMT3A

    DNMT3A Mutation Screen KitDNMT3A Exon 22 Primer Set

  20. VHL

    VHL/CEN 3 Dual Color FISH Probe

  21. MYB

    MYB Dual Color Break Apart FISH Probe

  22. SF3B1

    SF3B1 Mutation Screen KitSF3B1 Primer Set

  23. MET

    MET/CEN 7 Dual Color FISH Probe

  24. ROS1

    ROS1 Dual Color Break Apart FISH Probe

  25. TET2

    TET2 Mutation Screen KitTET2 Exon 1 Primer Set

  26. RET

    RET Dual Color Break Apart FISH Probe

  27. ABL

    BCR/ABL1 Dual Color Dual Fusion FISH ProbeABL Mutation Screen KitABL Exon 4 Primer Set (A)ABL Exon 4 Primer Set (B)ABL Exon 6 Primer Set (A)ABL Exon 6 Primer Set (B)

  28. MED12

    MED12 Mutation Screen KitMED12 Exon 2 Primer Set

  29. MYC

    MYC/CEN 8 Dual Color FISH Probe

  30. BIRC3

    BIRC3/MALT1 Dual Color Dual Fusion FISH Probe

  31. AKT3

    AKT3 Mutation Screen KitAKT3 Exon 2 Primer Set

  32. PTEN

    PTEN Mutation Screen KitPTEN Exon 7 Primer Set

  33. DDIT3

    DDIT3 Dual Color Break Apart FISH Probe

  34. ETV6

    ETV6/RUNX1 Dual Color Dual Fusion FISH Probe

  35. BRAF

    Real-Time BRAF V600 Mutation KitBRAF Mutation Screen KitBRAF Exon 15 Primer Set

  36. PIK3CD

    PIK3CD Mutation Screen KitPIK3CD Exon 22 Primer Set

  37. EGR1

    EGR1/5p15 Dual Color FISH Probe

  38. EGFR

    EGFR C797S Mutation Screen KitEGFR Mutation Screen KitEGFR Exon 18 Primer SetEGFR Exon 19 Primer SetEGFR Exon 20 Primer SetEGFR Exon 20 T790 Primer SetEGFR Exon 21 Primer SetEGFR/CEN 7 Dual Color FISH Probe

  39. CALR

    CALR Mutation Screen KitCALR Exon 9 Primer Set

  40. IGH

    CCND1/IGH Dual Color Dual Fusion FISH ProbeBCL2/IGH Dual Color Dual Fusion FISH ProbeIGH Dual Color Break Apart FISH Probe

  41. FLT3

    FLT3 Mutation Screen KitFLT3 Exon 20 Primer Set

  42. PDGFRA

    PDGFRA Exon 18 Primer SetPDGFRA Exon 14 Primer SetPDGFRA Exon 12 Primer Set

  43. RUNX1

    ETV6/RUNX1 Dual Color Dual Fusion FISH ProbeRUNX1/RUNX1T1 Dual Color Dual Fusion FISH Probe

  44. HRAS

    HRAS Mutation Screen KitHRAS Exon 2 Primer SetHRAS Exon 3 Primer SetHRAS Exon 4 Primer Set (A)HRAS Exon 4 Primer Set (B)

  45. IDH1

    IDH1 Mutation Screen KitIDH1 Exon 4 Primer Set

  46. PML

    PML/RARA Dual Color Dual Fusion FISH Probe

  47. JAK2

    JAK2 Mutation Screen KitJAK2 Exon 14 Primer Set

  48. IDH2

    IDH2 Exon 4 Primer Set (B)IDH2 Exon 4 Primer Set (A)

  49. BCL2

    BCL2/IGH Dual Color Dual Fusion FISH Probe

  1. Service


  2. FISH Probes

    Chromosome 1Chromosome 2Chromosome 3Chromosome 5Chromosome 6Chromosome 7Chromosome 8Chromosome 9Chromosome 10Chromosome 11Chromosome 12Chromosome 13Chromosome 14Chromosome 15Chromosome 16Chromosome 17Chromosome 18Chromosome 19Chromosome 21Chromosome 22Chromosome X

  3. Real-time PCR

    Real-Time CYP2C19 Genotyping HRM KitReal-Time BRAF V600 Mutation Kit

  4. DNA methylation assay

  5. Antibodies

    MART-1 (Melan A) AntibodyCytomegalovirus (CMV) Antibodyc-Myc AntibodyClusterin/Apolipoprotein J AntibodyCTLA-4 AntibodySurvivin AntibodyStathmin AntibodyProgesterone Receptor Antibodyp57 kip2 Antibodyp21 Antibody AntibodyOct-4 AntibodyNF Kappa B/p50 AntibodyNapsin A AntibodyMSH6 AntibodyEBV LMP-1 AntibodyFlt-1/VEGFR1 AntibodyCD99 AntibodyCA 19-9 AntibodyBRAF V600E AntibodyAEG1 AntibodyCD56 AntibodyCD15/Leu-M1 AntibodyCEA AntibodyDOG1 AntibodyGLUT1 AntibodyGlycophorin A AntibodyHairy Cell Leukemia AntibodyhENT1 AntibodyMDR3 AntibodyMyogenin AntibodyN-cadherin AntibodyKBA.62 (Melanoma Associated Antigen) Antibodyp16 Antibodyp40 Antibodyp63 Antibodys-100 AntibodySOX2 AntibodySOX-11 AntibodyEstrogen Receptor AntibodyTTF-1 AntibodyBG8 LewisY AntibodyActin, Smooth Muscle AntibodyCD45R AntibodyVimentin AntibodyTIM3 AntibodyThyroglobulin AntibodyThymidylate Synthase AntibodyTFE3 AntibodyTau AntibodyTAG-72 AntibodySOX10 AntibodySALL4 AntibodyPSAP AntibodyPSA AntibodyPodoplanin AntibodyPMS2 AntibodyPD-L1 AntibodyPD-1 AntibodyPAX8 AntibodyPAX-5 Antibodyp504s Antibodyp53 AntibodyNerve Growth Factor Receptor (NGFR) AntibodyNanog AntibodyMUC6 AntibodyMUC5AC AntibodyMSH2 AntibodyMLH1 AntibodyLMO2 AntibodyKi-67 AntibodyKappa AntibodyIDH1 R132H AntibodyHER2/neu AntibodyGATA3 AntibodyFSH AntibodyFibronectinE-cadherin AntibodyCytokeratin 19 AntibodyCytokeratin 18 AntibodyCOX2Collagen Type IV AntibodyCDX-2 AntibodyCD138 AntibodyCD57 AntibodyCD45(LCA) AntibodyCD44 AntibodyCD5 AntibodyCD2 AntibodyBSEP AntibodyArginase-1 AntibodyAnnexin A1 AntibodyCA-125 Antibody

  6. Plasmid Controls

    Plasmid Controls

  7. Data Analysis


  8. NGS Cancer Panels

    NGS代檢服務Leukemia NGS Cancer PanelNon Small Cell Lung NGS Cancer PanelColorectal NGS Cancer PanelLiver NGS Cancer Panel
